
5 Ways to Help Your Team Keep Their Goals on Track

5 Ways to Help Your Team Keep Their Goals on Track

Goals are an integral part of the business world, with sales goals, client goals, culture goals, and overall business goals being common across businesses. As a manager, delegating tasks to employees is routine, but with so much already on their plate, it’s easy for things to fall through the cracks. Therefore, it’s essential to keep your team on track, as their success is your success, and their goals are your goals. Here are five ways to assist your team in keeping their goals on track:

Create a Detailed Plan

Goal planning enables you and your employees to focus on the goal. Work collaboratively with your employees to set goals, so you’re always on the same page. Instead of just stating what you want to accomplish, determine precisely how you’re going to get there. Interestingly, employees who write down their goals are 50% more likely to achieve them than those without written goals. Furthermore, writing down goals provides peace of mind, as research shows that within one hour, people forget an average of 50% of the information shared with them. After you’ve documented your goals, you and your employees can concentrate on completing tasks without worrying about forgetting anything.

Start with a simple plan that tracks employees’ time loosely, then have them evaluate where they spend their most productive time compared to less productive time. After that, have employees add the weekly tasks they are assigned to align their work with their assignments.

Goals Align with Company Direction

Shockingly, only 40% of employees are familiar with their company’s goals, strategies, and tactics. When employees don’t understand their role in the company, they are more likely to be unsuccessful and disengaged. On average, supervisors spend less than 30 minutes a day conversing with their employees. Although you are busy, make the most of this time by discussing the company’s future and their role in making it happen. This discussion not only benefits your goals but also improves employee retention. Sharing the big picture leads to a 30% reduction in employee turnover.

When we add big-picture goals, the above plan becomes more detailed. A member/group/team/department/division/company structure works best. Have your employees work through increasingly broader goal ranges rather than attempting to link individuals to the corporation in step 1. You’ll need to provide guidance during this stage.

Supportive Management

Avoid micromanaging your employees as it can undermine their confidence. Instead, focus on developing and communicating a compelling vision for your team. Jennifer Chatman, a professor at UC Berkeley’s Haas School of Business, says, “Micromanaging displaces the real work of leaders, which is developing and articulating a compelling and strategically relevant vision for your team.” Encourage your employees to take ownership of their work, and their confidence in their own abilities will grow. Self-confidence is key to making your employees feel comfortable working with others and taking on new projects.

Connect each team’s goals to a corporate goal from the beginning. This helps them understand how their work contributes to the company’s success, making them more invested in their job.

Track and Measure Goals Regularly

Quantify progress regularly to avoid discouragement. Have your employees track their time and find out when they are most productive. Encourage them to work in ways that suit their personality types. It is essential to hold them accountable and encourage them to take charge of their work. You may need to step in and provide accountability for the process to make it a habit.

Whether it’s through emails or progress reports, have them take responsibility for being accountable.

Stay Calm When Things Go Wrong

Holding employees accountable for their failures is important, but avoid blaming or shaming them. Instead, focus on what went wrong and work together to come up with solutions for future projects. Avoid blowing up over failures as it inspires fear in workers and leads to a fearful work atmosphere. Fear is not a motivator and can lead to faster burnout, employee withdrawal, and higher turnover rates. Keep your cool, and support your employees.

It’s advisable to refrain from addressing performance issues until you have potential solutions in mind. Initially, take immediate action to mitigate the problem in the short term, and then schedule a meeting with the employee to discuss how they can handle it better in the future. This approach shows your support for your employees during difficult times, fostering loyalty and fixing performance issues simultaneously.